Armoured catfish Sundaland noodlefish crappie powen, squawfish crocodile icefish sleeper shark.


523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA
+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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Rosa Clara

Rosa Clará

Rosa Clará was founded in 1995 as a wedding dress store in Paseo de Gracia, Barcelona, and instantly became a leading bridal fashion brand across the globe. The company namesake, Rosa Clará, is a Spanish fashion designer and entrepreneur that delights brides all over the world with cutting-edge designs that celebrate individuality, romanticism, and elegance. 

Her innovative spirit and commitment to the highest-quality fabrics and production techniques continue to be the hallmark of Rosa Clará today.

Total Branches: 1