Armoured catfish Sundaland noodlefish crappie powen, squawfish crocodile icefish sleeper shark.


523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA
+1 234 719 8948
+1 987 654 3210

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ParkJun Beauty Lab

Parkjun Beauty Lab

The most imaginative and upscale beauty salon in the Philippines, Parkjun Beauty Lab  offers a wide selection of high-quality professional hair products and services. Staffed with a team of amazingly talented stylists and professionals, Parkjun Beauty Lab  is situated in the heart of Makati and Alabang’s central business and shopping district.

Parkjun Beauty Lab  was established in South Korea in 1981 and today has over 250 branches worldwide. In the Philippines, Parkjun Beauty Lab has handled numerous celebrity clients.

Total Branches: 2